
Violet-colored Lullaby

Digital Score ONLY (currently this is only for participants of the 6th Tokyo International Choir Competition)

Composer:Ko Matsushita

Words from composer

This is an easy a cappella piece that even children can easily perform. The piece is divided into three parts.

The A section is a simple two-part canon. Part II follows part I with the same pitch and the same melody form. The melody is based on the pentatonic scale, typical Japanese and Asian melodies. The pentatonic scale used in this piece is called major pentatonic, consisting of five notes: do-re-mi-so-la, and the final note is do.

The B section is consisted of three parts. The upper two voices repeat the same thing as in A, although the lyrics are different. However, the tempo is slightly faster. Alto appears in this section. This section repeats the form of 4 bars 4 times, with the 3rd and 4th being slightly different, but almost the same. The alto part is optional and does not have to be sung.

The music changes drastically at C. Previous 2 sections are based on the pentatonic scale, Modal, it now changes to tonal music. The scale, previously composed of five notes, is now increased to seven. Please perform with a sense of how the music changes drastically by changing the composition of the notes. Also, here, Alto does not have to be played in this part.

I hope this piece is used as a basic exercise for children’s choirs to perform a cappella.

Printed score and digital score are prepared. Please choose one below.


Composer:Ko Matsushita
Lyricist:Naoko Kudo
Accompaniment:a cappella
Performance Duration:1’00”