

Composer: Giorgio Susana

Words from composer

I have always been drawn to lyrics that evoke light. In fact many of my songs and choral pieces already contain the light also in the title (Luci serene e chiare, Resterà la luce, L’aurora risplende di luce, Altissima luce, Luci e stelle, etc…); others contemplate the light among the verses of the lyrics. Light is energy, it is life. Singing is energy because it is the expression of a desire for communication! and the consequence of a breath taken with conscious strength and vitality.

I don’t compose so much for female choirs. The excellent Trentino Chamber Choir, and its conductor Giancarlo Comar, gave me this opportunity, granting me maximum freedom in choosing the text and the style of my composition. So I didn’t miss the chance to choose the light. 

It is possible to notice the brightness of the music from the first bars of the piece; but the “climax” of this vital need arrives at bar 39, corresponding to the text which reads: you are worthy of being praised by voices of joy. The motif, singed by Alti 1, is a descending C major scale, which aims to imitate the graphic representation of a cry of joy that inevitably descends after the attacco. But what gives strength to this “scream” is the rhythm and the progressive entry of the voices that allow themselves to be influenced by Alto in a whirlwind of joy and exultation. We thus arrive at the great “Finale”, which reaches the apex of the range of the choral voices in an insistent, intense and vibrant sound.

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Composer:Giorgio Susana
Accompaniment:a cappella
Performance Duration:3’40”